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The Gusher

Alo Maino

Alo Maino, Editor-in-Chief

All content by Alo Maino
This was shown at the beginning of this year's Virtual Mock Rock. The Mock Rock video was edited by Tiffani Satterfield.

Mock Rock through computer screens

Alo Maino, Editor-in-Chief
May 21, 2020
This is the 2019-2020 Yearbook Staff (taken first semester). They have worked hard and are excited to present this year's yearbook.

The yearbooks have arrived

Alo Maino, Editor-in-Chief
May 20, 2020
This is Taft High's Distance Learning Flyer that teachers and students could follow during online school.

School through a computer screen

Alo Maino, Editor-in-Chief
March 27, 2020

Caps and gowns are here!

Alo Maino, Editor in Chief
March 17, 2020
One of Taft High's swim team members diving into the water during the meet.

Swim season is in session

Alo Maino, Editor-in-Chief
February 14, 2020
Human Element Students prepared for Kindness Week at Taft High.

Stay humble, work hard, be kind

Alo Maino, Editor-in-Chief
February 8, 2020
ASB Winter Week poster hanging in the quad to remind students to dress up.

Welcoming Decem-Burrr!

Alo Maino, Editor-in-Chief
December 12, 2019
TUHS varsity tennis players and coaches, Bill and Linda Friend, posing with their 2nd valley plaque.

Girls’ varsity tennis comes to an end

Alo Maino, Editor-in-chief
November 19, 2019
Freshman, Trenadee Price getting ready to use her driver with head coach, Mike Cowan observing.

Girls golf remains undefeated

Alo Maino, Editor-in-Chief
November 8, 2019
The demerit list is posted each week without names, so students can find out where they stand with demerits. Merits can be earned by talking to the attendance office about options.

[PHOTO] New year, new policies

Brayden Ivy, News Editor and Reporter
October 1, 2019
Briley Wheeler putting the ball into the hole. Wheeler is a senior this year.

Strong start for girls golf

Alo Maino, Editor-in-Chief
September 20, 2019
From the back row going left to right: Heather Johnson, Madelynne Dunham, Jeidy Perez, Aries Craig, Tucker Banner, Bryce Veach, Raygan Wescott, Obed Gonzalez, Carlos Lopez-Silva, and Brianna Avila. From the front row right to left: Alohra Cloud, Jessica Lankford, Erin Gilbert, Izabella Nuncio, Edwin Ramirez, Katie Clark, Maria Ramos, Brigitte Medina, and Hilda Torralba.

Spring Wildcats to Watch

Alo Maino, Clubs and Curriculum Editor
June 5, 2019
The foods class and the local Polynesians made a variety of Polynesian food to enjoy during the event.

Foods Class annual Polynesian Day

Alo Maino, Clubs and Curriculum Editor
May 24, 2019
Presley Golling placed 35th in a combined division swim meet at Valley.

Swim and Dive Valley results

Alo Maino, Clubs and Curriculum
May 17, 2019
Kaleb Hillan getting ready to do his dive. He was practicing for his Valley Dive Championship.

Hillan and Golling move on to Valley

Alo Maino, Clubs and Curriculum Editor
May 2, 2019
The Taft Union High School Track and Field team taking their victory picture and showing off their medals after the Wildcat Invitational.  The men's team placed first overall. The women's team placed second.

Track and Field is off to a great start

Alo Maino, Clubs and Curriculum Editor
April 1, 2019

Taft High choir spring concert

Alo Maino, Clubs and Curriculum Editor
March 8, 2019
Teacher Stacey Haiungs assists a new student in choosing classes for the freshman year.

Students and staff welcome incoming freshmen

Alo Maino, Clubs and Curriculum Editor
March 4, 2019
Human Element is creating giant posters of kind words for each week of February. You can find the posters under the stairs in the quad.

Spreading kindness at Taft High

Alo Maino, Reporter
February 15, 2019
The Advanced Choir singing songs while Aaron Mosley conducts the choir. Friends and families came out to support the musical Wildcats.

Spreading Holiday Cheer

Alo Maino, Reporter
January 15, 2019
Varsity players took their picture at the end of the Fowler Tournament.  They posed with their 2nd place trophy.

Girls’ varsity soccer preview

Alo Maino, Reporter
December 5, 2018
The Advanced Choir singing songs for their Fall concert. Aaron Mosley lead the choir in songs.

Falling for music

Alo Maino, Reporter
November 12, 2018
Freshmen won third place. They brought the movie,  "The Best of Times," to life with a short skit from the movie.

Wildcats bring retro back

Alo Maino, Reporter
November 1, 2018
The varsity team chanting before their game against McFarland.

Varsity volleyball photos

Alo Maino, Reporter
October 23, 2018
Taft High students checking out the Army booth. This booth was for students who are 
 curious about the Army. Many students could interact with each other in the variety of clubs Taft High has to offer.

Students rush to join clubs

Alo Maino, Reporter
October 17, 2018
FCCLA members Litzy Lopez, Vanessa Carreno, and Erica Carrillo working the fundraiser during the football game Friday, August 24. FCCLA is run by the students, with Carlos Chavira as the Club Adviser. When asked about the fundraiser Chavira said, "It was a success".

Chavira cooks up a culinary club

Alo Maino, Reporter
September 14, 2018
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Alo Maino