Tough Guys Play Like Girls
On Monday, May 7th, the senior boys of Taft High were placed on teams to battle it out in a game of girls’ indoor volleyball. The blue team vs. the gold team game had many spectators, many laughs, and much fun involved. The game went by relatively fast as the gold team made point after point, having had such experienced and supportive coaches. The blue team admitted that even though they lost the game, they wouldn’t have wanted to be on any other team than the one that contained such positive sportsmanship and such amazing coaches. Gold team won, but the game stayed alive until the very last point was made. Every person in the gym was on the edge of their seats and the players had their eyes on the game nonstop. The class of 2018 has finished one of the last few activities planned and did so in good attitudes. Congratulations, gold team!

Benjamin Borger gives the blue team an idea.