T.U.H.S. Career Day
CTEC building where many classes take place normally.
T.U.H.S. had a drive-thru career day for all students who attend Taft High on November 6th, 2020. Many students showed up which made it a relatively big event. The event was scheduled to start at 9 a.m. and end around noon. Before it started, many students helped staff members and businesses get set up. The first 100 students to show up got gift bags that contained candy, shirts, and more. Staff members helped students to sign in to be entered in a gift card raffle.
Staff members were assigned a golf cart to chauffeur the students who did not have a ride. T.U.H.S. and local businesses had cars lined up to help show different career styles. Many businesses showed up, which helped have more of a variety in careers. The variety of careers ranged from the Army to the Universal Tech Academy. Taft College participated to help educate students on their choices. Many career tables gave out candy, fliers, and lanyards.
At the end of the event, staff members gave out ice cream to the students; they also directed them on where to go get lunch. Social distancing and masks were required, but that didn’t stop anyone from having a good time. Teachers enjoyed being able to see their students–even if it wasn’t for long. T.U.H.S. had another great event to help spread positivity and help educate students on their options after high school.