Girls golf remains undefeated
Freshman, Trenadee Price getting ready to use her driver with head coach, Mike Cowan observing.
This year, Taft High girls’ golf is 8-0 throughout the season which means our TUHS Wildcat golfers went undefeated in SSL for the second consecutive season. We asked head coach, Mike Cowan, how he was feeling after golf season this year and he said, “Coach Eubank and I are very pleased. We had a great group of seven players who all became good friends. Everyone improved dramatically, and our performance in league play was a perfect 8-0. We came close to moving to the SoCal match, which we’ve never done under my tenure as head coach. We’re actually sad the season is over.” During the SSL Championship, the girls played against the whole league: Wasco, Arvin, Chavez, Kennedy, McFarland, and Shafter. They played 18-hole course at North Kern. Cowan said, “The best thing about this season was the camaraderie amongst our team and coaches. We had so much fun on the way to and from matches, eating lots of meals together, and just talking to each other about our lives while we walked the fairways during practice. Coach Eubank and I really got to know our players, not just as athletes, but as people.”
Wildcat Scores:
Macayla Wells – 88
Briley Wheeler – 105

Tayler Portenga – 101
Trenadee Price – 103
Willow Pilgrim – 111
Chloe Dodson – 155
Team scores:
Taft – 508 (1)
Wasco – 638 (2)
Kennedy – 652 (3)
Chavez – 658 (4)
Shafter – 675 (5)
Arvin – 713 (6)
McFarland – 738 (7)
Total team points for the whole season:
Arvin – 6 (7th place)
Chavez – 64 (3rd place)
Kennedy – 62 (4th place)
McFarland – 8 (6th place)
Shafter – 40 (5th place)
Taft – 108 (1st place)
Wasco – 82 (2nd place)