New year, new policies
The demerit list is posted each week without names, so students can find out where they stand with demerits. Merits can be earned by talking to the attendance office about options.
There is something new about the classrooms at TUHS, maybe you’ve noticed, maybe it’s affected students. That’s right, no more cell phones in class. This, along with many other changes, has affected the school this year. The principal of our school has stated in the student handbook, “There are many changes this year and it is our desire that these changes will help all students to be prepared for success as thriving members of our community.” Almost everyone has an opinion on the subject, and the people who don’t probably don’t know what’s even going on. These policies have caused a bit of a shake, some even disagreeing with the policies completely.
Along with the policies, the school has implemented a demerit system. For example, if you happen to have your phone out in class you can get at least five demerits and even more if students aren’t compliant. If students are assigned more than 30 demerits, they are disqualified from attending all events (dances, field trips, etc.). But for those who are late, troublemakers, or just can’t quit looking at their phones, there’s still a light at the end of the demerit-covered tunnel. If you happen to be a demerit magnet, you can do community service and help with athletic events. At the moment, there aren’t a lot of ways to clear demerits, so your best bet is to get to class on time, stash away your phones and hope for the best.
Some more subtle changes you may not know about, but definitely affect students throughout campus, are the changes made to hall pass etiquette. The handbook states, “Teachers issue a hall pass to all students when leaving their classroom; any student seen loitering hallways without a pass will be referred for discipline.” Along with this, most teachers ask for your phone before leaving the class. So any of the kids that thought they were being “sneaky,” trust me, you weren’t.
These changes are here and are most likely here to stay, whether you like it or not. And if the students reading this are thinking, “This doesn’t affect me”, then 1.) Why did you read all the way through? And 2.) be proud, that means you’re never late to class, never have your phone out when you’re not supposed to, and you always have a hall pass when you’re in the halls (excluding from the lunch period and transitioning between classes). In the end, if you’re one of the many people that these policies affect immensely, the best you can do is to adapt. Try and keep your phone away, get to school and class on time, and make sure to have a hall pass. Who knows? Maybe you’ll end up getting used to it?