Taft high students returning to school

The COVID-19 adventure has been long. It has not yet come to an end, but we have made progress as many students have had the opportunity to return to campus! Many students have returned and many more have stayed home. Corie Wise described her first day back by stating, “We sat in our home room for three hours and worked on class work; it wasn’t a very eventful first day back but that is to be expected since we are going to have to get used to it.” Another student, Aileen Ramirez, stated, “The first day back on campus felt very weird but in a good way. I was happy to be there and see my classmates. I hope that eventually things go back to normal and everyone can be on campus.”

Many students are excited to be back at school, even though it is very different; it will take time as we transition into being used to being on campus. Emma Neudorf explained her first day back by saying, “It felt very weird to be back on campus and to walk through the hallways again. Though it isn’t necessarily the way I wanted my senior year to play out, it’s really nice to be back to some type of normal.” The last student interviewed, Kade Bravo, stated, “It was nice seeing people again and it helped me focus.” Overall, students were excited to be back on campus. There may not have been a lot going on, but the transition to being back on campus will be slow but worth it! Students are looking forward to the changes to come and are hopeful that they will be good changes.