Lunch program success
The lunch program has provided food for those who may not be able to provide for themselves during the quarantine. Families who utilized the lunch program are very grateful and wanted to express their gratitude. Those interviewed have wished to remain anonymous but were comfortable giving their job position.
A third grade teacher says, “I remember when the news about Taft going into quarantine; I was so worried about my students who have a rough home life. But, seeing that schools were giving out lunches, I felt a lot better.”
The parent and teacher was asked if they’d be comfortable with their child giving their opinion and they agreed.
A now seventh grader says, “I like that they were thinking of us and helping people. Plus, the brownies and muffins are yummy.”
In addition to the lunch program being a success, those who work in the oil fields who are around many more people than those who can work from home are grateful for the lunches.
A safety professional for an oil company states, “I think that it alleviated some of the frustration quarantine has brought onto Taft. I work for the oil and gas industry as a safety consultant, so I’m an essential worker, half of my days are from home, others are on location.”
Workers who are working both from home and on location have a tougher time offsetting the hardships that arise from not leaving the house, when necessary.
The safety consultant continues to say, “The company I work at has taken a financial hit because of COVID-19 and the free lunches definitely aid in taking away some irritation.”
Everyone is being affected because of the quarantine and many are losing their jobs, so it is best to stay home and only go into public for essential items. The lunch program has helped with providing food to those who need it while keeping families safe.