New Year for Taft High
Student just arrived at Taft High’s front entrance leaving Christmas vacation behind.
It’s January. We’re finally back here at school. Some students are delighted to be back and happy to see their friends again while others were dreading this very day. Nonetheless, we’re back. And with that said, it’s a new year! A new year means a clean start, a new beginning, and new resolutions that most people don’t carry out. Instead of leaning on that very last fact, we as individuals should take initiative to better ourselves. For the people of Taft High, are there expectations, goals? What are we awaiting as people? What would we like to see change?
So I gathered an accumulation of comments concerning the New Year. Students explained what the New Year means to them or what it holds. A TUHS senior explained,“I want to graduate. I want to get high grades, but I don’t care. I see the New Year as an opportunity to better yourself.” Another senior added,“It’s a fresh start for anyone who had problems in the past. Just be happy and live without negativity.”
I engaged in asking students what they defined as a New Year. Is it a mindset or another year passed? Students in meditative thought gave me answers with honesty as the others around them sympathized. A sophomore preached and went on saying,“I feel we all should be grateful for what we’ve been through and build ourselves and help each other grow.” This senior went on and gave me an insightful conception. He said, “I’m going to keep headstrong despite mistakes that I may make in the future. I want to attempt and be who I want. I feel we are slaves to other’s opinions and rules; we forget that we are the ones in control of our lives. I’m living my life now. It’s weight I feel we all need off our shoulders.”
And then to end it, a freshman named Natalie Hampton said,“People should learn to let go this year!”
The majority of this feedback is positive, but what is negative is hearing these words from some fellow students shows lack of contentment in the past. But that’s the past, not the present, nor future. Don’t waste your time thinking about the past or worrying about the future. The present is your only time. Think forward and move on. With a shift in mindset, what you want can be reachable, achievable, and yours. You deserve your best, entirely.