Two Wins Followed by Losses for the Wildcats


Sofia Zendejas

Edgar Miranda was out of the side lines because he kicked the ball to make sure it didn’t go out.

On the 30th of January, our Wildcats went head-to-head against Chavez at their school in Delano. The varsity team made one goal against Chavez, completing the game with one more win for Taft. Luckily, the junior varsity did just as well against Chavez with the same exact scores and winning the game.

To start off the new month, Arvin came to play against Taft at the Wildcat soccer field. Unfortunately, the junior varsity Wildcats lost 3-0 against their opponents. Varsity also lost 3-0 in the following game.

Sofia Zendejas
Roberto Frausto dribbling the ball down the field.