Trap Club Training Coming Soon
Trap Club
Trap Club is a sport shooting club held every Tuesday after school at 3:30 p.m. Trap club was started by Sarah Hamblin and Gary Morris. The mandatory safety training, led by Hamblin and Morris, is set for September 12th from 7:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. in room A101. Interested students need to attend the training.
The new members also must have “live fire training”, which includes hitting three straight flying clays. All equipment is provided, and attendance on Tuesday is not required to stay in Trap Club. Once a member is considered safe and accurate, they are able to participate in clay shoots across Kern County, and are then considered a member of the team.
Trap Club receives generous funding for their equipment from the Friends of NRA association. Taft Sportsman’s Club provides facilities used by Trap Club. Trap Club raises their own money to pay for t-shirts, hats, and any other part of their uniform that might be needed. Local businesses have often been extraordinarily charitable when it comes to donations for Taft High’s very own sporting clay team.