CTEC can help you find the answers to your future!
Congratulations! You just started a new school year. You may think you have plenty of time, but it will go by so fast and before you know it, you will be graduating.
So, in what career do you see yourself after you graduate from high school?
Ever feel frustrated, embarrassed, or confused, because you don’t know the answers? So many choices, where do you start?
You may be tempted to avoid these questions and rely on luck that something comes along before you graduate. Or, you may think that the answers are not a big deal and you don’t really need to spend a lot of time or effort on this. This is a BIG mistake! There is a lot to consider in making a career decision. Think about what is at stake.
First of all, you will spend a great deal of time working in your career, so, obviously, you will want to be working at something that you enjoy and find pleasant. Secondly, your career affects your lifestyle, your place in the community, how much time you have for family, friends, and whatever you like to do in your spare time. Your career also affects how you feel about yourself. It also determines where you will live and to some extent, whom you will marry.
Did you know that Taft Union High School District has a Career Technical Education Center (CTEC)? Our Career Center specializes in helping students investigate and decide on a potential career for them. The Career Center will also help you create a portfolio with a resume, cover letter, application, etc. We also offer classes in:
- Auto Shop
- Business Occupations
- Careers in Education
- Graphic Communications
- Health Careers
- Law Enforcement
- Retail Sales (with an emphasis on fashion)
The world is at your fingertips. You just need to be responsible and start the process of discovering potential careers.