Students and staff welcome incoming freshmen

Jonah Armstrong

Teacher Stacey Haiungs assists a new student in choosing classes for the freshman year.

On Wed., Feb. 27, 2019, Taft High held their annual freshmen registration to welcome our new members of the Wildcat family for the 2019-2020 school year.

Jonah Armstrong
Kim Fields welcomes new students through the main building entrance.

Freshmen registration was an introduction to everything Taft High has to offer. We had tables out for different sports, clubs, and programs here in Taft High. Michael Van Zee interviewed a few of the incoming freshmen, and we were able to gain a glimpse of how they are feeling and what they are excited to do in high school.

We asked what each student thinks high school is going to be like? We got different responses; some didn’t know or said it would be, “the normal and boring.” One said, “It will be a change from the classes I’m taking at Elk Hills; I think it’ll be fun for the most part,” and another said, “It will be enjoyable and help me get a career.”  Many of the incoming freshmen are looking forward to sports like football, basketball, baseball, and soccer. Many electives including art, welding, computer graphics, A.V.I.D., drama, and band were a huge hit as well. We ended the freshmen registration with many new incoming freshmen being able to gain a look into the different clubs, sports, and courses they want to enroll in at Taft High.