Drumline and Competition Cheer take 2nd place in PPAACC
Competitive Cheer got second in their division.
On February 2, Drumline, Winterguard, and Competition Cheer attended Stockdale High School to compete in the PPAACC contests. Waiting nervously, Competition Cheer prepared for their chance to perform. Due to their nervousness, they had multiple hiccups while practicing. Thankfully, they fixed those mistakes before the performance, which lead them to earn second place.
Despite the pouring rain, TUHS Drumline was still heard. The show this year was Nikola Tesla. The actors for the show were Nicolas Castillo as Nikola Tesla and Beau Gongora as J.P. Morgan. Eulysses Urrea, Dawson Lopez, and Brady Lopez played the three workers. Out of eighteen schools, TUHS got second in their division.
With little practice under their belt, Winter Guard went out for their first performance of the year. This year’s show was inspired by the song “Killer Queens” by Queen. Many believed this theme was to show that women can be strong even through tough times. They ended their day with being placed fifth out of six in their division.