Charlie Brown and Friends Entertain the Community


Jonah Armstrong

Zac Krieger singing a solo as “Snoopy”.

This year’s school play, choreographed and directed by Kelly Morris, the school’s drama teacher, ran throughout Mother’s Day weekend and a few days prior. During the school days, the surrounding elementary schools were fortunate enough to view the play for free. The cast included students from all grade levels at Taft High. Sawyer Maier gave an astonishing portrayal of Charlie Brown, and Zac Krieger’s satirical characterization of Snoopy hit the nail on the head, metaphorically speaking. Chris Green played Linus van Pelt and led the cast in a rather entertaining “blanket dance” at the end of the play. A paper bag over Sawyer Maier’s head and Ayrieann Buchanan’s “psychiatric help for 5 cents” depiction made the show an eerily accurate dramatization when compared to the cartoon. The chorus went as follows: Kenya Osburn as Violet, Elisabeth Scott as Frieda, Destiny Shelley as Peggy, Addison Copeland as Peppermint Patty, Reese Walker as Marcie, Alex Gonzalez as Franklin, and, last but not least, David Rogers as Shermy. All people who contributed to the play are deeply appreciated by the cast members, the audience, and especially Mrs. Morris, who mentioned that “this was most of the student’s first time being in a play, and I am eager to work with them more in the future.”

Jacquelyn White
Schroeder (Marcos Alfaro) sings about “Beethoven Day” surrounded by the cast.