Taft High Sprouts a New Club
Courtesy of Caroline Schoneweis
Rachael Yochum in front of assorted plants in pots planted by Taft High’s Garden Club.
Taft High now has a garden club for students with Caroline Schoneweis as the club adviser. Garden Club meets at the farm located between Taft High and Buena Vista high schools. Mrs. Schoneweis commented, “We meet at the farm most Wednesdays and Thursdays after school, and twice a month on Fridays. In the future, we’d like to emulate Edible School Yard, which started in Berkley, and spread all over the nation.”
When asked about the goals of the club, Schoneweis replied, “We have a variety of goals. One is to introduce kids to the things that grow from seeds. Two is to change the food culture at Taft High and get students eating what they grow. ” Garden club helps to prepare students for a career in agriculture. Mrs. Schoneweis said, “Kern county is one of the biggest agricultural counties in the nation.There are some really high-paying jobs that have to do with agriculture around Taft.”
The club welcomes new members. Anyone who is interested can talk to Mrs. Schoneweis in room 162, or join the class on Google classroom.