Spooky Potluck Held for ASB Buddies
Teacher and students gather for a Halloween lunch as “buddies”.
On October 31st, 2017 ASB students put together a luncheon for their fellow teacher buddies. To get the ASB-Staff Connection going for a second year in a row, ASB students decorated and put together a Halloween potluck in the ASB room at lunch. Each ASB student and staff member who wanted to participate in the buddy activities took a survey, and each student was paired up with a teacher with the most compatible traits that matched up with the teachers questions and answers.
Most of the students and teachers got into the Halloween spirit and dressed up for the event, along with some matching with their buddy. At the potluck, students and teachers enjoyed a baked potato bar and goodies. Teacher Emmy Lou Heber described the food as “delicious” and enjoyed the fact that she got to interact with her student buddies outside of a classroom environment. The teachers and students all said that it was a lot more exciting than anticipated, and that it was something appreciated and enjoyed.