Bakersfield College priority registration deadline extended

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If you are still interested in applying to Bakersfield College and receiving priority registration, there is good news for you. Bakersfield College has extended the deadline for graduating Seniors! Seniors will now have until February 28, 2021 to complete steps 1 (application) as well as step 2 (enrollment) to register. There are also several Bakersfield College workshops that are important to note. Important workshop dates to mark on your calendar are: Monday 2/1/21, Wednesday 2/3/21, Monday 2/8/21, Wednesday 2/10/21, Wednesday 2/17/21, Monday 2/22/21, as well as Wednesday 2/24/21. Each of these workshops will be held between 1:30pm-3:30pm. Take advantage of these workshops as well as the deadline extension, if interested.