T.U.H.S. plans for reopening
Front of T.U.H.S
In the beginning of October, our county was placed in the red Covid-19 category; that meant we had two weeks to stay in that category in order to be able to reopen our school with restrictions. As of October 27th, we were able to stay in the category, which means T.U.H.S. will be reopening hopefully sometime in November. Staff members say that there will be restrictions such as social distancing and required masks. The restrictions from the governor only allow a certain amount of students per classroom and there must be temperature checks before entering campus. Staff members, students and parents have had weekly Hybrid Committee Meetings in hopes to find a model that fits our school but also keeps us safe. There are certain phases we have to complete in order to get more and more students back in school.
We have asked certain students to take a survey on whether or not they would go back to campus if given the option. Out of 86 responses, 75% of the students have chosen to go back to school even with the required restrictions. Most of the students are starting to understand that when we go back it won’t be like it was in previous years. There are guidelines and restrictions everyone who chooses to go back must follow. Most students just want to go back no matter what the cost is. A junior of T.U.H.S. said, “I will be 100% fine with staying in my homeroom the entire day if it mean[s] being in a classroom.” Students so desperately want to return back to normal; some students are struggling badly with the distance learning model. Staff members are trying to move as fast as they can while keeping us safe. Students will have a choice to go back to school with a homeroom hybrid model or continue to distance learn. As of right now, all we can do is wait to figure out what model our school is wanting to choose.