TUHS honors Veterans
Flag stands tall while TUHS students honor Veterans. Human Element students invited Veterans to tell their experiences. Advisor Emmy Lou Heber said, ” The Human Element students and I were very happy with the opportunity to put on such a well-received event. We were thrilled to be able to honor Veterans and have their stories shared with our student body. We are looking forward to doing this again in the future.”
As the Jazz band played “Armed Forces Salute,” students began to fill the empty chairs in the auditorium. Human Element students and advisor Emmy Lou Heber put on this assembly in order to honor all the men and women who served in the United States Armed Forces. Dennis Posey, Natalie Babinez, Presley Golling, and Natalie Rubio played the National Anthem. Kailee Gaylord then sang “My Country ‘Tis of Thee” to begin the intro of a video showing photos of our United States Armed Forces.
Students and staff then got the privilege to listen to local veterans speak about their experiences in the armed forces. Rocky O’Neill Jr., son of MOT Manager, graduated from Taft High in 2001. He then served from 2003 to 2008 in the United States Army, including two tours in Iraq. Gene Bonsal served from 1967 to 1971 in active duty, then he served in the Individual Ready Reserve in the United States Marine Corps. He attended communications school in Florida, language school in Monterey, and instructed Marines at Camp Lejeune. In Camp Lejeune, he was in use of M16 rifles for deployment to Vietnam. Bonsal then served as a radio intelligence operator overseas in Sidi Yahia Morocco, where he was honorably discharged as Staff Sergeant. His son, John Downey, served active duty in the United States Marine Corps from 2001 to 2005. Downey then was in an inactive reserve from 2005 to 2007. He served as wing support squadron 374 from 2001 to 2003, he was then deployed to southern Iraq for operation Iraqi freedom until 2004. Downey then returned as Marine Wing Support Squadron until 2005 until he honorably discharged as E4 Corporal.
Human Element students said, “Thank you to our guest speakers, who shared their experiences with us and the importance of honoring and respecting those who served and fought for the freedoms we have today.” The Gusher Staff would like to thank all those who have served in the United States Armed Forces.