Back to School Night is Tuesday
Taft High’s Main Building
Gusher Staff
Taft High hosts Back-to-School Night Tuesday, Sept. 5
Taft Union High School officials are inviting parents and community members to join them for a free hot dog barbecue as partners in educating students at Back-to-School Night on Tuesday, Sept. 5.
New this year, parents and students are invited to attend a Positive Coaching Alliance presentation in the IRC at 4:30 p.m. Parents are also invited to go to Conference Room B (the old board room, next to the Attendance Office) to sign up to be on the School Site Council.
A hot dog barbecue dinner will be served in the quad from 5:30 to 6:15 p.m. The band will perform during dinner.
At 6:10 p.m., Principal Mary Alice Finn will welcome parents, introduce school board members and give an overview of the evening’s events during a five-minute orientation. “We are excited to welcome the parents to our campus to share the wonderful things happening at Taft High in our classrooms each day. We appreciate the support from our parents and the community of Taft,” she said.
The format is different this year. Instead of following a bell schedule, parents can go to any class they like from 6:15 to 7:30 p.m. in an open house setting.
Physical education classes will meet in the IRC and Career Technical Education Center (formerly West Side Regional Occupation Program) courses normally held on the CTEC campus will meet in the TUHS cafeteria. Additionally, the CTEC health care room will be open on the CTEC campus.
Teachers will provide a course overview including expectations, goals and objectives, textbook and materials, and grading and homework policy. Counselors will be available in the Guidance Center. If parents which to make an appointment with their student’s counselor, they may call the school at 763-2300.
Buena Vista High School holds its Back-to-School Night on Thursday, Sept. 7, at 5:30 p.m.