Local scholarship program preparations underway
Mary Alice Finn introduces the seniors during Honors Night 2018. This was taken at last year’s ceremony.
Seniors interested in bettering their chances on paying for college, please report to the guidance center and pick up the local scholarship packet. The application has been made available to all interested students. It will only be available for pick up between the Jan. 22 and Feb. 8. The deadline is on the Feb. 15 at 3:30 p.m. in the Guidance Center. Late applications will not be accepted. On Feb. 25 through the March 22, the applications will be available for review by scholarship donor committees. Honors night will be on April 8 at 6:00 p.m. in the TUHS Auditorium. Students receiving scholarships will have a letter of invitation. Representatives of the scholarship donors will make the presentation to the scholarship winners. Those winners will be given a letter showing them how to receive their scholarship.