Farewell to Lindsay Brown
Lindsay Brown on her last day at Taft High.
Athletic trainer Lindsay Brown resigned effective on April 19, 2018 after working here at TUHS for over twelve years. Her career at Taft High started in 2006. Brown has decided to resign as an athletic trainer for a different job offer that will also make it easier on her family. Brown will be taking a job at Insight Health. She has contributed much of her personal time from her family to ensure the well-being of Taft High’s athletes and in helping the athletic office in its endeavors. Brown was asked how she felt about the current state of TUHS, and she stated, “I wish it was more positive for the students.” Brown was also asked what she would miss most about Taft High, “The kids. They make this job and they get into your heart.” Many students and staff at TUHS thanked her for her service to both the school and it’s students during her time here.