Cassini’s Final Ride

The Cassini-Huygens spacecraft located near Saturn is headed for its final destination. The craft is composed of two parts; the Cassini orbiter and the Huygens probe. This is to collect data such as photos, type of atmosphere, and the surface of Saturn’s moons. It is capable of seeing and feeling things that mankind cannot.

It launched back in October 1997 and has taken seven years to reach Saturn. The last 13 years have been spent in orbit around the planet. Cassini will now be destroyed by crashing into the planet due to it running low on rocket fuel. The crash is deliberate because instead of losing control unexpectedly, they would rather keep it from crashing into one of the moons and compromising future exploration. Cassini will continue to send out pictures and information until the antenna can no longer sustain. To view the crash live you can check out this link!